Operating regulations


  1. The centre is operated by Marent Demolice s. r. o., Company registration No. 26390931, with its registered seat in Sokolov – Vítkov, Stará Ovčárna č.p. 2146, Postcode 356 01, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Plzeň, Section C, Entry 17290 (the ‘Operator‘).
  2. Persons under 18 years of age (‘children‘) may enter the centre only when accompanied by a competent person over 18 years of age (‘accompanying person’). You shall use the centre solely at your own risk; the accompanying person shall be responsible for children.
  3. All facilities of the centre, including attractions (‘facilities’), are subject to regular inspections and tests. The devices have been certified according to the applicable Czech and European standards (ČSN-SEN-1176, 1-7 and ČSN-SEN-1177), meet safety requirements and are regularly inspected for this purpose. The safety of individual devices is guaranteed by the manufacturer and supplier of the attractions.
  4. The accompanying person is responsible for any damage caused by improper operation or manipulation of the facilities or a failure to follow the instructions of the operator’s personnel. The operator’s liability shall be excluded in such a case.
  5. Entrance to the centre is charged according to the operator’s price list.
  6. Every visitor shall respect the opening hours of the centre and the personnel’s instructions regarding the closure of the centre.
  7. The operator shall not be responsible for the supervision of children. The care for and supervision of children is the accompanying person’s responsibility. The accompanying persons shall perform their duty of supervision in a really thorough and proper manner. The presence of the operator’s personnel shall in no way exempt the accompanying person from liability or create liability on the part of the operator. Accompanying persons are fully responsible for any injuries to children caused by their behaviour in contravention of these regulations.
  8. For operational and hygiene reasons, only socks are allowed in the centre and all facilities located there. The operator recommends wearing clothes with long sleeves and legs. It is prohibited to use inappropriate clothing and accessories, in particular, it is prohibited to wear scarves, shawls, buckles, jewellery including chains and earrings, sharp objects, etc.
  9. The centre facilities may only be used for the intended purposes. The facilities in the centre are to be used at your own risk.
  10. Climbing upwards on the external structures of the facilities, on the nets of the equipment and on the slides is prohibited. Trampolines can only be used by one person at a time for a limited time.
  11. Further instructions for the use of individual facilities are posted at the entrance to the respective facility (attraction) and the visitor shall follow these instructions without reservation. It is the accompanying person’s responsibility to become familiar with these guidelines and explain them to the child.
  12. Every visitor shall behave respectfully towards other visitors, facilities and other property of the operator so as not to endanger others or themselves, to maintain order, to keep clean, not to contaminate the premises of the centre.
  13. It is strictly prohibited to smoke, use intoxicating substances, and bring in or consume your own food (including chewing gum) and beverages, except for baby food or food with special dietary requirements. It is further prohibited to bring to the centre or use in the centre any items that could in any way endanger the safety of visitors. These items include, but are not limited to, private toys, glass and porcelain packaging, or any hard, loose or sharp objects.
  14. The centre operation does not involve the storage of items, and no part of the centre is intended for the storage of items as per Section 2945 of the Civil Code. Therefore, the operator shall not be liable for any damage to, loss or destruction of an item towards the owner or to the person who left the item there. The operator’s liability for damage is, therefore, expressly excluded in this case.
  15. Emergency exits, escape routes and fire extinguishing equipment must be kept clear at all times for safety reasons. It is prohibited to place any obstruction in front of emergency exits, escape routes and fire extinguishing equipment, in particular, to place strollers, shoes or other things that would hinder or make it difficult to use them.
  16. Visitors shall comply at all times with these operating regulations and the instructions of the operator’s personnel. Visitors behaving in violation of the operating rules or not following the instructions of the personnel, or acting in violation of the general principles of decent behaviour, may be temporarily or permanently banned from the centre in individual cases. The personnel are authorised to expel a visitor. The expelled visitor shall not be entitled to a ticket refund. In the event of a breach of these operating regulations, the operator shall not be liable for any damage (property or non-property damage) resulting from such breach.
  17. Buying the ticket to the centre, visitors confirm that they have read these operating regulations and give their consent to the taking of a video recording of their person and its use by the operator for the purpose of monitoring the centre, ensuring the safety of the centre and its visitors and for advertising purposes, even if the image of a person pursuant to Section 84 of the Civil Code is captured in this way.